Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Jane Austen’s England Kickstarter

Karin Quint is our salon guest today, to share news of an exciting new jane Austen project!


The lovely port of Charlestown, Cornwall is used in many films en period dramas. Lately for instance in Poldark. If you look closely you can spot white doves flying around. You probably did not know they are there because of Jane Austen’s novel Mansfield Park. Want to know why? The answer is in Jane Austen’s England. This travel guide to everything Austen is now only available for pre-ordering on Kickstarter until December 7th. (link:

Jane Austen’s England was published in Dutch in 2014 as Het Engeland van Jane Austen. It takes you to more than 200 places in England that have a connection with Jane Austen’s life, her work, or the film adaptations of her novels. If we reach our funding goal, an exclusive English edition will be printed that will not be available in stores or anywhere else.

I am a huge Jane Austen fan. I’ve read the novels multiple times, read many biographies and seen the movies and the series over and over again. Whenever I visit England (which I like to do a lot) I like to go to locations that have a connection with my favourite author. I love visiting the Jane Austen’s House Museum in Chawton, or, when I am further up north, visit one of the Pemberley’s from the films (Chatsworth, Lyme Park) or find the lake Mr Darcy didn’t really jump into. 
I am not the only one who likes to visit these places. In 2009 I started the Dutch website and found out that there are many like me. At one point, after advising many others about their Austen tours to England, I got the idea of writing a comprehensive travel guide. The second edition was published last summer and it is still selling very well in The Netherlands and Belgium.

Because I really think more people will enjoy this book, I started a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign last week. My goal is to publish the guidebook in English. By letting people order a copy of the book in advance through Kickstarter, we can raise the funds we need to have the book translated, printed and shipped to our Kickstarter backers. 

Each location in the book includes its history, an extensive description of the link with Austen, and practical information such as address, phone number and opening hours. And where possible, I added relevant quotes from Jane’s novels or letters and nice-to-know anecdotes, like that one about the white doves of Charlestown. 

Do you want to travel in Jane Austen’s footsteps? Then order your copy of the book on Kickstarter now! (link: And tell your Jane Austen loving friends about the book. Because only if enough people back the campaign, Jane Austen’s England will become a reality.

About the author
Karin Quint (1976) is a journalist, photographer and founder of the Dutch website and community She first became acquainted with Jane Austen’s work in the 1990s when she bought a well-thumbed copy of De Gezusters Bennet (The Bennet Sisters) at a flea market for just ten cents. Unknowingly she had just purchased one of the best-loved novels in English literature – Pride and Prejudice. She read the book in one go. From that moment, she was hooked and became a true “Janeite”.

In 2009 she started and through this website got to know many Austen lovers from The Netherlands, Belgium and further abroad. Over the years, she was increasingly asked for advice about making Jane Austen tours. But a guidebook containing all locations related to Austen and her work was nowhere to be found. While on an Austen pilgrimage of her own in Lyme Regis, she decided to write one herself.

Written content of this post copyright © Karin Quint, 2016.


  1. Thank you, Catherine, for supporting this project. I have high hopes this becomes translated in English!!

  2. Thank you Catherine for having me!
