Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Jane Austen, Brighton and Me!

I am so thrilled to announce that I am appearing at Brighton Pavilion this September, introducing a performance of An Evening with Jane Austen, starring Adrian Lukis and Caroline Langrishe. I'll be chatting about George IV, Jane Austen and Georgian Brighton, before signing copies of Life in the Georgian Court!

4 September 2016 at 7:00 pm 

Spend a magical evening in the company of Jane Austen’s most memorable characters from the comic absurdity of the Dashwoods, to the heartfelt passion of Wentworth and Anne, not to mention the charming duplicity of the notorious Mr. Wickham. Set in the magnificent surroundings of the Royal Pavilion’s Music Room the evening consists of duologues performed by actors Caroline Langrishe (Judge John DeedLovejoy) and Adrian Lukis (Mr Wickham in the BBC production oPride and PrejudicePeak Practice) alongside Regency-era musical entertainment from harpist Camilla Pay and soprano Rosie Lomas.
Author Catherine Curzon will introduce the performance and will sign copies of her book, Life in the Georgian Court, during the interval.
To book, click here!


  1. Your fame knows no bounds,Madame! Congratulations!

    1. We hope one day to bring the performance to your own esteemed environs; if you know of any beautiful houses that might like to host, do let me know!
