It's my pleasure to share news of a Twitter hashtag that contains a wealth of wonderful folktales from history... The tales won't appear here on the blog though, so gad across to Twitter and join the fun!

#FolkloreThursday is a hashtag where you can post all your folklore related blog posts, quotes and other oddments. If you would like to join in the guidelines for what to post, how and when are below. Enjoy!
Whether you’re fanatical about folklore or a fan of fairy tales, #FolkloreThursday is the place for you. There are hundreds of great folklore related tweets posted every day, but with the speed of Twitter and the busy pace of life, it’s all too easy to miss out on some of the fascinating tweets that come through.With that in mind, we decided to set up #FolkloreThursday as a place for people to share all their folklore related tweets. It’s simple – all throughout Thursday, post your folklore related content with the FolkloreThursday hashtag, and your tweets will be retweeted through the @FolkloreThurs account. And don’t forget to follow us at @FolkloreThurs!Unsure what to post? “Folklore” is defined as:“The traditions, beliefs, customs and stories of a community, passed through the generations by word of mouth.”That gives plenty of scope, so tweet your blog posts, quotes, artwork and images that cover the following:
- Folklore
- Legends
- Fairy tales
- Customs
- Heritage
- Traditions
and anything else that falls under the above definition – including music and dance.Whilst folklore gives plenty of scope, there are a few restrictions. Please refrain from tweeting:
- Anything containing offensive language
- Pornography or nudity
- Any of the ‘isms’: racism, sexism, etc.
- Anything unrelated to folklore!
- The hashtag is not for personal publicity, so we kindly ask that people stick to sharing informative blog posts, quotes and images rather than their own book links, products, or promoting their own events.
So that’s all there is to it! Tweet your own posts, and don’t forget to retweet others throughout the day to help spread the best folklore content the web has to offer.
FolkloreThursday is maintained by @WillowCWinsham, @Seline62442458, @DeeDeeChainey. #FolkloreThursday will endeavour to retweet as much as possible throughout the day, but reserves the right to not retweet material at their discretion.
The official Twubs page for the hashtag can be found here.
Sounds like a great idea and plenty of breadth for topics!
I do hope you'll join in!
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