Monday, 12 January 2015

Reminder: The MM Bennetts Award for Historical Fiction

Last year, I was delighted to share news of a new annual award for the best in historical fiction, in honour of the late M.M. Bennetts, author of May 1812 and Of Honest Fame. 

Submissions for the first Award close at the end of this month so there is still time to enter. You can find out all about the award at and the call for submissions is below. 

Please share far and wide and, should you decide to enter, I wish you the very best of luck!


Call for Submissions

English Historical Fiction Authors Announces the first annual M.M. Bennetts Award for Historical Fiction.

Entries are being accepted for works published in 2014.

The prize of $500 will be announced at the Historical Novel Society Conference in June, 2015.

For further details and to submit an application visit